For many years #NHS Hospitals have been wanting to develop the visibility of the #medicalstaffing issues, specifically to comprehend #efficiency, #agency spend and #annualleavemanagement in more detail.

Working from a paper-based method denies you all the capabilities to develop a standardised job planning process, which is linked to the workforce activity.

Trusts have invested a great deal of budgets in purchasing software however, there are still several hospitals which are not yet fully utilising the software to its full potential or in some cases the projects have not even begun.

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There is more and more evidence showing the benefits of having a digital solution, for example, standardisation, fairness, visible job plans for consultants, job plan sign off, visibility of activity and evaluation, reporting of agency and substantive costs are some of the key benefits.

Once you have been implemented, the software provides daily view of every doctor on duty by ward and divisional level, whilst providing rich accessible data and intelligent reporting, for example, heads of service can see junior doctors’ activity through one rota, even if they move across services. As well as identifying where doctors are in the hospital, you can also see which #doctors are not on duty, however are available if needed and those unavailable due to study leave / sick leave etc.

The reporting capabilities allows you to track delivery of #jobplans and annual leave.

You can interrogate anything unusual looking and take appropriate action where necessary. Such powerful data allows the Trust to better plan their services around the patient, while potentially #reducingagencycosts. The data also enables the service leaders to open up different dialogues with the workforce that they have not been able to have before, increasing the opportunity to identify other service opportunities impossible to identify on a paper-based system.

Using all the data can lead to a service redesign that will reduce agency spend, in some case studies this has achieved a 30% reduction of the total workforce spend.

Having the granular data gives you the power to redesign a service and deploy a workforce to better meet the needs of the patient.

If you feel your Trust is ready for this huge transformation, contact our team at or by email

Published by Anoushka

eRostering – Workforce Planning Expert

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